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Got My First Valentine's Day SALE!

Cupid Strikes My Etsy Shop

screenshot of email notification
Photo from Author

Get this, friends — on February 5th I posted about using my mad graphic design skills to craft some totally adorable printable Valentine’s Day cards to sell in my newbie Etsy shop. I even gave away two FREE printable cards for everyone to download. Did you?

With only 9 days left until V-Day, I hoped my cheeky little “My Cosmic Match!” and “My Lucky Catch” prints would catch some shopper’s eye. But as a shiny new Etsy seller with only a few sales, I tried not to get my hopes up too high.

After staying up way too late perfecting every sweet little font and cutesy tiny graphic, I posted my printable Valentine’s with instructions for printing and cutting them out properly.

Then I shouted about them from the social media rooftops: “Get your last-minute Valentine’s right here, folks!” I announced, with more gusto than confidence.

And then…(drumroll please)…crickets. Tumbleweeds. Ghost town.

The next morning, I squinted at my phone as my eyes grew large when I spotted an “order received!” email from Etsy! Some precious human actually bought my “XOXO” printable!

screenshot of email notification
Photo from Author

I did a little bananas happy dance around my room, with some slight hip shaking and arm waving. I guess my fur babies wondered what I am on at that moment. Don’t judge — it was my third sale, y’all!

Animated Dancers Clip Art on ClipArt Best
Animated Dancers Clip Art on ClipArt Best

With pounding heart, I checked the buyer’s information on my shop. Bless her! I wanted to include a digital thank-you note for making my design dreams reality, but settled for a personal thank you message on the inbox instead. It’s the thought that counts, right?

After all those late nights designing prints instead of sleeping, it melted my heart knowing I spread extra love on Valentine’s Day.

So move over Hallmark, there’s a new card maker in town! Who knows, maybe by 2025 my Etsy shop will be prosperous enough to quit my day job. But even if I just brighten someone’s day with my melodramatic cards, that’s all the feels I need. Though making enough for some new art supplies wouldn’t hurt either!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I got to start brainstorming next year’s designs...

Cupid’s work never ends!

Here’s the culprit! Just so you know..

bear balloons couple romantic
Photo from Author

Cheesy as it sounds.


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